On April 27, 2018 – Weed Me received their license to cultivate under Health Canada’s Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR). The Pickering, Ontario based cultivator received the 103 license granted by Health Canada. Weed Me’s license has been hailed as the quickest one granted to date – from application to license. According to the Weed Me team, their GTA location, their leadership team and their ability to expand on-site position them well for the medical and recreational markets in Ontario and beyond. Terry Kulaga is Weed Me’s Co-Founder and CEO. He joined Business of Cannabis to talk about their license and their approach to the coming months. Read the full news release from Weed Me here.
New York Legal Cannabis Sales Could Pass $1bn This Year, According to Regulator
After the rockiest of starts, the regulated marijuana market is finally coming to life in New York state. Cannabis retailers...