Earlier this week, Jazz dismissed a patent claim against Apotex, Canada’s largest generic drug producer, as it reached a settlement with the company, the details of which were undisclosed.Â
Aurora Cannabis Canadian cannabis giant Aurora Cannabis has seen its stock jump nearly 50% this week after publishing a
A new US administration, China’s AI upset, and now a looming trade war have played havoc with the stock market
Stenocare Danish medical cannabis oil producer Stenocare has exited its cultivation facility in Denmark, just four years after it was
Celadon Pharmaceuticals Celadon Pharmaceuticals has seen its stock price spike this week after revealing that its supply agreement with
 Cantourage Berlin-based medical cannabis company Cantourage saw sales exceed its own projections in 2024, with sales more than
Cannabis stocks plummeted this week after a judge ordered the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to respond to damning new allegations
Argent BioPharma Argent Biopharma (previously MGC Pharmaceuticals) has completed a US$4.5 million capital raise to support its drug development
British American Tobacco Tobacco giant British American Tobacco (BAT) has announced the launch of a second investment fund as
Argent Biopharma Argent Biopharma (previously MGC Pharmaceuticals), the first company in history to launch an IPO on the London
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