While there was news from the cannabis industry this past week, it took a rightful back seat to news of social justice, police reform and honest questions about the stability of the US democracy.
At Business of Cannabis, we have been listening, reflecting and doing our best to amplify thoughtful and important voices, including Ika Washington, who wrote a stunning piece on Medium and Vanmala Subramaniam in the National Post.
A big week on Business of Cannabis (see schedule below) – so tune in!
Read on…
Before you get to the cannabis news of the week, here’s some reading for you:
Hey, cannabis industry your silence is deafening! by Ika Washington Medium
Before you declare Canada is not a racist country, do your homework by Vanmala Subramaniam National Post
Black Lives Matter by Jeremy Jacob of Village Bloomery ACCRES
There was no shortage of stories of cannabis dispensaries in the US being looted amidst the overwhelmingly peaceful protests in the US. The Daily Beast rightly calls them “organized thieves” The Daily Beast, The Deep Dive
And as jurisdictions begin to open the economy, including cannabis retailers, Massachusetts is trying to tackle a non-issue, should adults be able to pick up cannabis curbside with children in the car… Boston Globe
Beleave is the latest Canadian cannabis producer the file for bankruptcy protection. Newswire
And while some Canadian producers are reeling, some US ones are soaring. New Cannabis Ventures
Elon Musk has changed the subject from his opening his Tesla facility in defiance of California law AND SpaceX to… cannabis?
The Week Ahead
Monday, June 8
10 am | BofC Live with Sherry Boodram PhD, CannDelta – Ask the Experts
Tuesday, June 9
9 am | Benchmark Update in partnership with Cannabis BenchmarksLAST WEEK | AVERAGE DAILY SALES PER STORE
10 am | BofC Live with Krista Raymer, Vetrina GroupLIVE STREAM
Wednesday, June 10
9 am | Insights Update in partnership with BDSALAST WEEK | BC CANNABIS CONSUMERS
10 am | BofC Live with Liz Stahura, BDSA
Thursday, June 11
9 am | Job of the Week in partnership with Cannabis At WorkLAST WEEK | DIRECTOR, PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICE, KELOWNA, BC
10 am | BofC Live guest TBA
Friday, June 12
10 am | BofC Live with Loic Calvez, ALCiTLIVE STREAM
Latest from BofC
BofC Live
Host: Jay Rosenthal
On this episode – BofC Live features a conversation with Ika Washington of DiversityTalk. Ika published a piece on Medium that garnered considerable attention from the cannabis community and industry this week titled: Hey, cannabis industry your silence is deafening! We wanted to connect with Ika to talk about her piece and about the work she does at DiversityTalk.