The cannabis industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in Europe and there are now many different types of jobs available in this sector. Cannabis jobs include everything from production and cultivation to sales and marketing, to scientific research and development. There are opportunities for people with all kinds of skill sets and experience levels.
Candidate Interface
The new version of EUCannaJobs includes new features and functionality to make it easy to find the right job for you. It is also designed to make the job search and application process as easy and streamlined as possible for candidates. With a user-friendly interface candidates can:
● Create a profile
● Browse for job openings
● Apply for jobs
● Attach multiple documents to each application (Resume/CV, Certificates, etc.)
● View the status of job applications
● Manage job applications
● Job Alerts
Employer Interface
The new EUCannaJobs also makes it easy for employers to manage their hiring needs and candidate information in one central location with employer branding and viewing statistics about your company’s jobs. It’s a portal that enables employers to:
● Create and edit job posts
● Update/edit job posts
● Customize company branding
● Add company users
● View and manage job postings
● View and manage candidates
The industry is expected to continue to grow rapidly in the coming years, so if you’re looking for an exciting career opportunity, we are here to help!