‘Clerical error’ nearly shuts down 85% of Michigan’s cannabis businesses
Last week, the Michigan cannabis market nearly came to a total stop, due to what’s been acknowledged as a “clerical error”, reports Benzinga.
According to the publication, the Marijuana Enforcement, Reporting, Tracking, and Compliance (METRC), reported that more than 85% of the 800 cannabis-licensed businesses failed to pay a monthly service fee of $40, however, most had no idea they were late with the payment.
However, shortly after, METRC confirmed that it was all a “clerical error,” with the actual number of companies that were more than three months late with their payments was only 11%.
Brian Hanna, executive director of the CRA, stated: “For us, this is concerning. The industry works very hard each and every day to use the system correctly. The industry is going through hardships right now with the prices being so low, and they don’t need inaccurate data and poor communication from METRC.”
Canadian producer Atlas buying more Israeli cannabis pharmacies
Canadian cannabis producer Atlas Global Brands entered into binding letters of intent to buy majority positions in two cannabis pharmacies in Israel, reports MJ Biz Daily.
The firm would control seven pharmacies when the proposed acquisitions close, with one of the pharmacies Atlas is seeking to acquire is located in Tel Aviv and the other in Jerusalem.
“We believe that these acquisitions will not only benefit our patients and shareholders but will continue to solidify our international cannabis footprint,” Atlas CEO Bernie Yeung said.
Police & Crime Commissioner in the UK calls for ‘rational evidence-based conversation’ around cannabis
Ahead of her appearance at Cannabis Europa London 2023, BusinessCann spoke to Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey Lisa Townsend on the risks of making assumptions about public views, the government’s changing attitudes towards cannabis, and the role the cannabis industry can play in helping police reduce drug-related harm.
Townsend told the publication: “There is an enormous amount of legislation out there, as we all know, and it does feel like it increases on a weekly basis sometimes, so helping the police, whether it’s working with policing organizations such as the College of Policing, to be absolutely clear on things like when it’s legal for someone to be in possession of medical cannabis, or also working with policing to do everything that can be done in order to reduce that harm and to reduce the burden on policing.
“Quite frankly, I think it’d be really welcome, certainly by me as a Police and Crime Commissioner, and I’m sure by all of my community in the government as well.”